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Milk Kefir Recipe


(use a wide-mouth pint size jar)
2 heaping tsp of milk kefir grains (curds)
1 ¼  cups organic whole milk


Seal the jar up loosely for an average of 12 to 36 hours (depending on the consistency of the whey you prefer).  Make sure it is loose enough for air to get in and out, but closed enough to prevent bugs from getting in. You can use a plastic lid or plastic wrap under a metal lid. You should not let metal touch your kefir, though some use stainless steal.

If you decide to use stainless steel, make sure of its quality and authenticity of it being stainless steel or cover it with bees wax to be safe. I don’t use stainless steel. Do not let any chlorine bleach or chemicals touch your kefir.

When the curds rise to the top and you like the consistency of the whey, drain out the curds and put another 2 heaping tsp into a new container and start making some more. 

Use the remainder of the curds to eat, for making smoothies, cheese or for fermenting other foods. Drink the whey as is or in a smoothie..




   What is MILK KEFIR?

* Lactobacillus acidophilus
* Saccharomyces kefir
* Polysaccharide
* FEW bacteria of acetic acid
* Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, B12, D, C
* Folic acid
* Niacin
* Mineralien: Jod, Eisen, Kalzium

Throughout history used as a blood pressure regulator,
antibiotic, anti-inflammation and digestion problems.

Reported improvement in:
Inflammation of mucous membrane of the stomach, Gastritis
Stomach and Colon-Catarrh, Diarrhea and Constipation
Liver, Kidney and Colon diseases, Cancer, Immune Deficiencies, Allergies, Autism
Internal and External Ulcers, Skin Problems, Candida and more

Water kefir can rest in your refrigerator for 5 days in water/sugar/sea salt. Don't throw away the whey from it. Instead, use it to wash your hair or as a tonic for skin problems. Also, you can make root beer or other drinks out of it.

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